Trading Freedom for Safety

As we recently observed Veterans Day in honor of those who served, the festivities often would have included various patriotic activities, one of which is rendering a 21-gun salute.  But as this article from NRA-ILA entitled "Trading Freedom for Safety" points out, the very activity of rendering a 21-gun salute on Veterans Day had to be discontinued by the University of Virginia because of the disruption to classes and the "triggering" of students that this activity would cause.  As stated in this article:

"The same kind of overriding need to shield the sensitivities of young adults from discomfort and fear, however occasioned or poorly justified, was behind a decision to abandon an established Veterans Day observance at another institution of higher learning. University of Virginia President Jim Ryan announced that the traditional 21-gun salute used to honor veterans would be discontinued this year due to the “disruption to classes” and “concerns related to firing weapons on the Grounds in light of gun violence that has happened across our nation.”"

The article itself is a short but interesting read and has links to other articles that further explain the issue.  This excerpt from the article pretty accurately sums up the gist of the issue:

"The philosophy underlying these incidents is troubling on many levels. It suggests that it is acceptable (and necessary, even) to distort honest, accurate, fair and truthful journalism to insulate others from exposure to possibly disagreeable material. It implies that America’s youth are less able than ever before to cope with emotional discomfort or distress absent a “safe space.” It relegates honoring patriotism and our nation’s veterans to something between an inconvenient, noisy “disruption” and a potentially harmful “triggering” occurrence. Perhaps worst of all, it legitimizes the notion of an entitlement to a lifetime of freedom from fear, rather than a belief in the value of freedom itself. "

This Writer's Opinion: I am sick and tired of hearing about how everything "triggers" people today.  It's bad enough that the youngsters on our college campuses are being indoctrinated into the "America is bad!" mantra.  But they are also being taught to hate and fear the very things around which our American heritage was built, as well as hatred toward law-abiding people who just want to enjoy their liberty.  Firearms are part of our heritage, but our society is being taught that even the sound of them ALWAYS means that something tragic is happening.

Doing away with a 21-gun salute on campus because the sound of guns shooting a salute "frightens" and "triggers" people?  There are a number of the things that the school could have done besides banning the 21-gun salute.  Maybe announcing that the event would take place ahead of time and that the sound of gunshots at this time would most likely NOT be an active shooter situation.  Or how about taking a few minutes during class to explain why the 21-gun salute is rendered and what it means to honor the veterans who protect their freedoms.

The senseless tragedies on our campuses have gone a long way toward making people feel unsafe.  I get it.  But people are being taught to be afraid of and hate the wrong things.  People need to realize that the world is now a very dangerous place and our right to have access to the tools of self-defense is now as important as it ever has been.  And these are just tools.  Instead of hating tools, maybe we should be going after a solution to the evil that exists in our world.  Turning our hearts to God is one way.  Speaking up to our legislators and judges to admonish them to enforce the laws already on the books and deliver justice to the criminals instead of punishing the innocent is another.

I can only offer this video as an example of what is going on in America now and where we are going if we don't pay attention.  I'll let the "comrades" explain it to you themselves...

Benjamin Franklin summed it up perfectly when he said:

"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

And in Other News...

Banning Everything:

Another recent tragedy.  And once again, the usual actors are charging ahead with the call to ban - everything.  More lectures on what types of firearms can and cannot be possessed by normal, law-abiding citizens.  Criminals and evil people won't obey these bans.  The same people who are surrounded by armed bodyguards are telling us what we can and cannot do to protect ourselves.  Followed by lectures about firearms by people who know nothing or at least very little about them.  In my opinion, as well as the opinion of very noted constitutional scholars, the Second Amendment was all about guaranteeing the right to self-defense granted to us by the Creator.  And the tools used to protect that right are not specific only to certain kinds of firearms or their appearances.  Possession of firearms in common use was the intent of our founding fathers.  But many of our firearms in common use are the targets of the bans and severe restrictions we are seeing coming out of these same people - who, again, are surrounded by armed protection and who possess these common use tools also.

William makes a good point in this video: we all need to make sure to speak up for our rights, get active in state and local elections.  Go to a City Council meeting.  Write letters.  Voice your opinion and let these people know that we want our rights protected.  Protecting our rights is the government's job, not deciding which rights we can have or not.

You can stay up on Second Amendment news and get some great gear reviews by subscribing to The Daily Shooter Channel.



Your Car is Your Limo:

Another great "Sunday Sentinel Sermon" from Pat Mac.  Awareness is key, especially while driving.  Maintaining a ready vehicle is of utmost importance.  I personally practice these habits, especially keeping the car with no less than 3/4 of a tank full, having supplies in my vehicle, and keeping my CERT gear with me in case I roll up on an accident or other emergencies.  We are in charge of our own safety, but we have a responsibility to our fellow citizens to render assistance when needed.  That can be anything from helping someone jump-start their car, to airing up or changing a flat tire for them.

I will add one thing:  Exiting your vehicle as Pat illustrates in the video is something that should be practiced!  Undoing the seatbelt and exiting in this manner requires muscle memory.  Even a step further, if you roll into a dangerous situation and your only choice is to exit the vehicle armed, that requires even further in-depth practice and training.  Take a formal course in advanced gunfighting that teaches this, and then practice using your dry-fire system at home.  This can be easily set up and programmed into the LASR App software as well.

Visit Pat Mac's channel for all of his excellent "Sunday Sentinel" and "Basic Dude Stuff" videos.

And "make it habitual!"

Shameless Commercial Plug:

For more information about the LASR App Training System that you can use to set up this type of training in a dry fire environment, see my LASR App page and receive a discount when using my discount code.

To receive a 10% discount on Live Fire Drill Cards, a shooter's training log and some great training ideas visit Burnett LFDC!

Firearms Preemption Laws

One of the more confusing, and quite frankly dangerous aspects of gun ownership in many states is running afoul of the widely scattered and different federal, state, city, and local laws regarding guns, gun configurations, and gun accessories.  What is legal in the state as a whole may not be legal in a certain city in that state.  What is legal in a neighboring state may not be legal in your state.  And if something is legal in your town, but you travel to a neighboring town with a certain type of weapon or accessory in your possession, you may be fined or even arrested.  

As mention below, these laws created by local communities create "...a confusing patchwork of laws..." and "...places citizens in the position of not knowing when they may be violating local laws..."

Preemption laws are supposed to be one way to remedy all that confusion and protect citizens.  In an effort to prevent cities and townships from being too far-reaching in their firearms laws, preemption laws are supposed to protect citizens against the confusing web of local laws by making state and federal law the guiding principle in their own laws.

Also related to preemption laws, is something that we have here in Colorado referred to as a "Peaceable Journey" law (CRS 18-12-105.6).  Both Denver and Boulder, for example, ban certain types of firearms and open carry.  But what if I have to drive through either of those cities while in possession of the type of firearm banned in those cities?  If I am pulled over, and the police officer discovers that I am carrying the type of weapon banned in that municipality, they are not supposed to be allowed to confiscate my firearm or even arrest me due to the Colorado state preemption and peaceable journey laws that are in effect.

The Colorado "Peaceable Journey" Law (CRS 18-12-105.6) includes the following:

(1)  The general assembly hereby finds that:

(a)  A person carrying a weapon in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance for hunting or for lawful protection of such person's or another's person or property, as permitted in sections 18-12-105 (2)(b) and 18-12-105.5 (3)(c), may tend to travel within a county, city and county, or municipal jurisdiction or in or through different county, city and county, and municipal jurisdictions, en route to the person's destination;

(b)  Inconsistent laws exist in local jurisdictions with regard to the circumstances under which weapons may be carried in automobiles and other private means of conveyance;

(c)  This inconsistency creates a confusing patchwork of laws that unfairly subjects a person who lawfully travels with a weapon to criminal penalties because he or she travels within a jurisdiction or into or through another jurisdiction;

(d)  This inconsistency places citizens in the position of not knowing when they may be violating local laws while traveling within a jurisdiction or in, through, or between different jurisdictions, and therefore being unable to avoid committing a crime.

This Writer's Opinion: Why are we even forced to deal with this hogwash?!  The Second Amendment is clear that the citizens have the RIGHT to self-defense, and to possess the necessary arms with which to be able to defend themselves, their communities, and their families.  The answer is simple: The objectives of these communities include restricting or even banning firearms to make firearms ownership and possession so confusing and expensive, that people will give them up just to avoid being arrested and/or taxed, fined, and regulated into the poor-house.  What other rights as enumerated and are supposed to be protected in the U.S. Constitution cause the citizens to go through this level of gymnastics in order to comply with the law and enjoy the right?  Firearms owners continue to be hated and scorned by certain segments of our community and the lawmakers themselves.

As if draconian state gun control isn't enough, these local city and community laws are an arbitrary and capricious means towards adding a confusing additional layer of gun control.  They are, at the very least, knee-jerk reactions in the wake of tragedies for these city councils to politicize an issue and "grandstand" their efforts to make their citizens think that they are actually doing something meaningful to prevent these tragedies in their communities.

This is why city and county elections matter.  Get active and make sure that you are supporting City Council, Mayor, County Supervisor/Commissioner, and especially County Sheriff candidates who will uphold the U.S. Constitution and protect your rights.  If you have the ability in your locality to vote on judge retention, make sure that you are voting to get rid of activist judges who try to uphold these unconstitutional city laws when they are rightfully challenged.  Attend your City Council and County Commission meetings regularly.  Speak up at these meetings and let these people know your objections to their overreach.  Bring a friend!

For More Information: NRA-ILA Article -

And in Other News...

Taxing the Second Amendment?

Taxing our rights is nothing new for sure.  This video directly ties in with the importance of preemption laws, as mentioned in the opening above.  If a municipality can't ban certain (or ALL) firearms, they will try to make firearms and ammunition impossible to obtain, create red-flag laws to make everyone prohibited to possess firearms, and in the case of the video below, impose taxes to make firearms and ammunition too expensive to obtain.  Besides being an unconstitutional means of backdoor gun control, in my opinion, laws that place exorbitant taxes on firearms and ammunition unfairly prohibit the poor by keeping them from being able to afford even the basic means of self-defense that is supposed to be protected for everyone.

You can stay up to date on this issue and other Second Amendment news and get some great gear reviews by subscribing to The Guns and Gadgets Channel.


Proper Shooting Stance:

In last week's training video, former Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog discussed properly gripping the pistol.  He emphasizes concentrating on proper grip and then letting the trigger finger find its proper position.  This week's video is a good follow up to grip, which talks about proper stance.  Something that I see practiced all too infrequently is finding a natural point of aim (NPOA) and then using stance, not arms, to adjust so that your NPOA is always consistent and repeatable, and accurately puts the correct point of impact on the target.

This practice can be done using the LASR App software as well so that you can practice finding your NPOA and then see how the various adjustments to your stance can affect the actual point of impact on the target.  In fact, using the LASR App system (do NOT do this in live-fire), you can use Chris's practice for finding your NPOA with your eyes closed, then fire the shot with your SIRT pistol or other laser training device before you open your eyes.  The LASR App will record the shot and give you instant feedback to allow you to adjust your stance to align your NPOA with an accurate point of impact.  Then when you think you have found a good and repeatable stance that gives you your properly aligned NPOA, go to the range and practice under live fire to confirm.

And again - practice the "eyes closed" method above ONLY when in a safe dry-fire condition using the LASR App software.  When performing live fire, always keep your eyes open and aimed at your target, know your target and what is behind the target, and between you and the target!

Shameless Commercial Plug:

For more information about the LASR App Training System that you can use to set up this drill in a dry fire environment, see my LASR App page and receive a discount when using my discount code.

To receive a 10% discount on Live Fire Drill Cards, a shooter's training log and some great training ideas visit Burnett LFDC!

Firearms Warning Labels

First and foremost, today is Veterans Day, and I want to take this opportunity to personally thank all of my fellow veterans, our law enforcement, and our first responders for your service.  You are the reason that we are all safe and free!

It's been a while since Alex Kincaid has posted a video, so I wanted to share this one with you.  For those of you that don't know, Alex is an attorney who practices, among other things, protecting Second Amendment issues and gun rights.  Please check out her channel sometime.  She has a lot of excellent Second Amendment information in her videos and explains the legal aspects of gun ownership, especially legislative issues very well.

In this video, Alex explains laws that several states have put in place to provide "warnings" about the dangers of firearms.  Firearms are deadly.  No kidding?  Sometimes a deadly weapon is the only thing that stands between an innocent victim and a deadly attacker.  As she mentions in the video, the purpose of all this is not to enhance firearms safety, but to instead spread misinformation.  Incorrect or even outright dishonest information about firearms is often used to promote fear in the minds of gun buyers and even gun sellers to try to deter people from even legally purchasing firearms.  By treating everyone as idiots instead of educating them about firearms, we are not only denying their ability to learn and make good decisions but also needlessly instilling in them fear about a tool that should be respected and handled properly.  A tool that all by itself does not hurt or kill people,  but in the proper hands could be a tool that saves a life someday.

As Alex reads the statistics used by the anti-gun legislators who put these laws into place, please be sure to also read the actual statistics that are shown.  I have heard several anti-gun legislators and anti-gun groups try to use statistics from the Violence Policy Center, for example, who are notorious for spinning the numbers to suit their agenda.  The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of laws like the ones discussed in this video are simply ineffective, as illustrated by the actual statistics from the FBI and others, but at least allow the lawmakers to say that they're "doing something."

This Writer's Opinion: Gun control comes in many shapes and forms from banning certain types of firearms to making firearms ownership so expensive that the average citizen can't afford it, to inciting fear in the public and making them hate firearms.  Spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) is yet another gun control tactic, and appears to be a great way to make people hate inanimate objects and even hate the law-abiding people who legally practice a Constitutional right.   One of my professors in my Master's Degree program used to say that "Figures don't lie, but liars sure do figure."  When I see a lot of these anti-gun groups try to use statistics, especially statistics that aren't even true, I get very concerned.

The key to preventing tragedies such as those involving so-called "accidental" (they are negligent, not accidental) shootings is through education and awareness.  Teach your kids about firearms.  For that matter, invite your anti-gun neighbors to the range and introduce them to the extremely high level of safety practices that we use around firearms.  Open their eyes with education, not with fear.

And in Other News...

Suppressors and Hearing Protection:

In this article (click on the image below) from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA),  they cite that the National Hearing Conservation Association has published a paper recognizing the importance of suppressors in hearing protection.  As a person who suffers from a world-class case of tinnitus from years of working on jet aircraft and participating in shooting sports, I can tell you that anything that will help prevent or even lessen tinnitus is extremely valuable in efforts to enhance the quality of life, especially in later years.  Hearing loss and tinnitus issues for gun owners can be prevented by simply allowing law-abiding citizens to use the normal firearms purchasing processes access to an accessory that can be a big part of hearing conservation programs for hunters and in fact all gun owners.  I personally also see this as a very valuable tool in the home defense firearm arena.

To be honest, I have no idea how a firearms accessory such as suppressors even made it as an object that people felt needed to be so strictly regulated through the NFA.  Well, yes I do: people have been watching too many James Bond movies.  They somehow got the idea that if suppressors were available using the same background check system used to purchase firearms, that we would all run around like a bunch of little James Bond assassins.   The thought is that suppressors somehow hinder law enforcement's ability to see muzzle flash and hear gunshots, and will hinder the ability of urban shot detection devices to work properly.

Look, if I'm in my home and a violent intruder crashes through the door and I have no choice but to use deadly force to stop the attack, wouldn't it be reasonable to think that a device that would help prevent my family and me from having our eardrums blown out would be of enormous value?  The police are going to be called anyway, and they will be able to investigate.  Having a suppressor on a home defense weapon is not going to hinder their ability to do that.  Nor is having a suppressor on a hunting rifle going to hinder anything.  As for the actual assassins (gang members) running around killing people - hindering law-abiding citizens is not going to help that situation.  Those people don't acquire their firearms through normal lawful channels.


Proper Pistol Grip:

In last week's news update, I posted a training video about how to use trigger finger isolation techniques to find the good trigger finger positioning for YOU in order to improve marksmanship.  I have seen many instructors who insist that everyone should be using the same trigger finger placement, which in my opinion is simply not true.  Everyone has different hands.

This video from former Navy SEAL Chris Sajnog also discusses trigger finger placement but wraps it into the whole technique of properly gripping the pistol.  He emphasizes concentrating on proper grip and then letting the trigger finger find its proper position.

This grip and trigger finger placement practice can be easily and effectively done using the LASR App software.  Practice proper grip, but also practice with different trigger finger placements as well so that you can see how your grip and the various trigger finger placements affect the actual point of impact on the target.  Then when you think you have found your proper grip and trigger finger placement, go to the range and practice under live fire to confirm and build up good muscle memory.

Shameless Commercial Plugs:

For more information about the LASR App Training System that you can use to set up this type of practice in a dry fire environment, see my LASR App page and receive a discount when using my discount code.

To receive a 10% discount on Live Fire Drill Cards, a shooter's training log and some great training ideas visit Burnett LFDC!

The CNN Spin on DC versus Heller

From time to time, I like to highlight what "the other side" is saying about the Second Amendment and gun ownership rights.  And this CNN video is about as "other side" as it gets when it comes to gun rights and the attitudes expressed by those who are ignorant about the reason for gun rights or just hate guns that much.

Although this video is from almost 7 years ago, it highlights what gun owners are up against when it comes to the interpretation of the right to keep and bear arms.  Leave it to CNN to inject their own interpretation into the wording and interpretation of the 2008 Supreme Court DC versus Heller ruling and even the wording of the Second Amendment itself.  It always seems that those who don't understand the Second Amendment or who have a blatant agenda to severely limit or even do away with gun ownership in this country, twist words and meaning to suit that agenda.

This Writer's Opinion: The Founding Fathers made it clear in their language when they wrote the Second Amendment that the citizenry had an absolutely individual right (and responsibility) to keep and bear arms.  The "militia" clause simply meant that all able-bodied citizens make up the militia, and "well regulated" simply means that these same citizens should be well trained in the use of firearms.  And according to several constitutional and second amendment scholars and lawyers, the founders agreed to this very opinion.  The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting, as many today will often claim.  The Second Amendment is all about an individual right to self-defense, whether that defense is from a criminal or a tyrannical government entity.

The same opinions expressed by CNN in this video are still being expressed today.  It is important for all of us to be sure that we are aware of what is being said by both sides of the argument, and then being able to articulate facts and truth.  Stay active in Second Amendment issues.  Attend rallies, gun rights events, city council meetings, and town hall events with your representatives.  Don't be afraid to question them on their stances and express your opinions.  But most important of all, VOTE!  Supporting and electing good Second Amendment friendly candidates is crucial to our ability to maintain our rights and our heritage.

And in Other News...

SCOTUS Contemplating Case Regarding Unconstitutional Bans...:

I always get excitedly optimistic but at the same time a little worried when the Supreme Court decides to take up a gun rights case.  Given the current makeup of the Supreme Court, I lean more on the optimistic side in hopes that SCOTUS will again maintain the opinion that not only is the Second Amendment an individual right but also rule that it is a right that protects firearms and firearm accessories in common use, as the framers intended.  But these rulings can go either way, which will influence the way that states and municipalities make or modify their laws.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed in hopes that SCOTUS rules correctly on this matter.

You can find out more information about the Worman versus Healey case that is discussed in this video.  Click on the various "Main Document" links there to read the Amicus (friend of the court) briefs filed by the various organizations for this case.  You can also stay up on Second Amendment news and get some great gear reviews by subscribing to The Guns and Gadgets Channel.


Trigger Finger Isolation Drill:

This week's drill is another good one from The Tactical Rifleman Channel.  Trigger finger placement has a huge influence on where the shots land.  Too far across the trigger, or too shallow, and your trigger finger could possibly throw your point-of-aim/point-of-impact relationship off and your shots will not go where they were intended.  As they show in the video, this drill is done very close to the target into a 1-inch by 1-inch square.  As you can see in the video, a slight error at this distance will be greatly magnified at farther distances.

This drill can be done in a dry fire environment using the LASR App software, but then should be done in the range under live fire to get a feel for actual recoil and trigger press from the pistol that you are carrying with or shooting in competition.  My competition pistol and my daily carry pistol are two different guns, so I practice this drill with both. Practice putting your trigger finger at different positions to find the best spot.  Once you have found the ideal trigger finger placement, practice over and over until you build up good muscle memory.

The link for the target used in this drill is here:  This target can be programmed into the LASR App software as well so that you can see how the various trigger finger placements affect the actual point of impact on the target.  Then when you think you have found your proper trigger finger placement, go to the range and practice under live fire to confirm.

Shameless Commercial Plug:

For more information about the LASR App Training System that you can use to set up this drill in a dry fire environment, see my LASR App page and receive a discount when using my discount code.

To receive a 10% discount on Live Fire Drill Cards, a shooter's training log and some great training ideas visit Burnett LFDC!