
About William (The Gonz):

ATCS(AW) USN Retired.  William is a Cyber-Security Analyst by day, and a 2nd Amendment/Gun Rights Activist and disaster preparedness enthusiast the rest of the time. He is a native Coloradoan, living in Fort Collins, Colorado. American Citizens have the absolute and God-Given right to self-defense, as outlined in the US Constitution and 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment is not about duck hunting. It is about law-abiding citizens protecting themselves from tyranny and the deeds of evil people. Decent people deserve to have their rights protected, and they have the responsibility to voice their opposition when they see their rights being infringed upon.

There is a lot of evil in the world today, and the bad guys do not obey the laws or care who they harm. The Supreme Court has made it clear that the police have no responsibility for our safety as individuals, but many politicians are so bent on taking away our means of self-defense.  So for these reasons, William has chosen to use this blog as a vehicle to be outspoken about our rights and responsibilities.

William is an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor, and an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer, with several years of advanced tactical firearms and emergency preparedness training. Certified CERT Instructor and a member of the Fort Collins CERT Team. Certified Law Enforcement AR-15/M-16/M-4A1 Armorer.