Terrorism and Violent Attacks: What YOU Can Do!

In my “other life” outside of my job as a cyber-security operations supervisor, I am involved in a number of activities that revolve around community emergency response, institutional safety, and preparing for such things as what happened in Orlando and other previous attacks in places of worship.  Having previously performed physical (armed) security duties at my church and in the military, I still keep in touch with security efforts, and still attend constant training in this area.  My background in this area comes from being a firearms instructor, a member of the Fort Collins Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and The Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (The CELL) in Denver, as well as serving as an emergency communications HAM radio operator.
 Recently, I had the privilege of attending an Institutional Safety Conference (often referred to as a “Sheepdog Seminar”) presented by LtCol Dave Grossman, Carl Chinn (one of the responders at the December 2007 New Life Church shooting), Jimmy Meeks, and Northern Colorado’s own former Navy SEAL Mark Hotaling.  Less than a day after that seminar, we all learned that the Orlando massacre happened.  Little did I know that LtCol Grossman's words would turn out to be extremely prophetic.  In that seminar, Grossman, Meeks, Chinn, and Hotaling all told us that horrible attacks like this one would begin in America on a larger scale, and very soon.  Grossman took us through the Beslan Massacre as an example of what kinds of terrorist attacks could happen here.  In fact many in the extremist circles have stated that the Beslan Massacre was their dress rehearsal for what they had planned for America.

I need to be very blunt here:  As was stated several times in the presentation, and as I firmly believe, many people are still in denial and have their heads in the sand on the issues of violence and terrorism in America.  September 11, 2001 woke us up to the fact that terrorism on a large scale can happen in America.  But then, we went back to sleep.  We have been living the “it can’t happen here” lie for quite a while now.  This has only been worsened by the endless bombardment of political correctness in our society.  Well you know what?  It’s high time we start calling these threats for what they are, face them head on, and declare that we as Americans will not put up with the tactics of fear and terrorism in our land.
Protecting my family, friends, community, and co-workers is a responsibility that I don't take lightly.  LtCol Grossman was emphatic in his belief that more attacks would happen soon.  No sooner does he say that, and then one happens less than 24 hours after making his remarks.  I firmly believe in being prepared, and will accept nothing less from my fellow citizens.  By all of us being prepared, we send a strong message to the bad guys, and present a formidable deterrence against their actions.

So here are some things that YOU can do, and will hopefully find helpful in your own preparations:

  • Attend a “Sheepdog Seminar.”  This is some of the best information you will ever receive on this topic of preparing for, and responding to, violent attacks.  If you can’t attend, they offer the seminars on DVD. http://www.sheepdogsafetytraining.com/ 
  • Meet with your family, neighbors, and friends.  Form a group.   Discuss preparedness, neighborhood watch activities and crime prevention strategies.  Your local law enforcement will have some great resources for you to use.
  • The Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (The CELL) in Denver – has some great information on recognizing the signs of terrorism.  See if your community offers a similar program. http://www.thecell.org/cap/
  • Attend a law enforcement Citizen’s Academy or similar program in your area.  Not only do these sessions give you great insights into the inner workings of law enforcement, but they can give you some great information on community specific threats and disaster preparedness initiatives.
  • Attend training presentations in your local community on general emergency and disaster planning.  Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is a great place to start.  You can take online CERT training at the FEMA Independent Study Institute here:  http://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=IS-317
  • As part of the “See Something, Say Something” program, you can install the “SeeSend” app on your smart phones to help facilitate video, pictures, and alerts to the appropriate authorities. Here, for example, anything we send goes to our Fusion Center (Colorado Information Analysis Center – CIAC) in Denver.  I’m sure you have something similar where you live.
  • Other SmartPhone apps that you may find useful for receiving emergency notifications from emergency response organizations, family, neighborhood watch groups, etc:
  • CodeRed
  • Emergency Alert
  • FEMA Mobile App
  • ICE Blackbox
  • NOAA Weather International
  • PulsePoint
  • PulsePoint AED
  • Silent Beacon Emergency Alert

Oh, and by the way:  This is NOT a gun control issue.  I do not want to hear the argument that “if the Orlando killer didn’t have an AR-15, he wouldn’t have been able to do this!”  Bull!  The semi-automatic rifle did not kill all those people.  A dark and evil heart killed all those people.  The rifle was a tool.  He wanted to kill people.  He would have found a way.  Most killers do!

I’m not trying to insult you, frighten you, or be overly dramatic.  I just care about my loved ones, community, and co-workers, and I need you all with me on this.  We “Sheepdogs” are the new “Civil Defense” in a dangerous new era.  I just want everyone to be prepared, be aware of their surroundings, and be able to WIN in an emergency situation rather than become a victim.